Evaluate Math Expression
Set a variable to the result of evaluating a math expression.
- Variable: The variable to use.
- Expression: The expression to evaluate.
Si la variable se compara con valor
Conditionally run part of the script based on the value of a variable compared with a value.
- Variable: The variable to use.
- Comparison: The comparison operator to use e.g. 'Less Than' or 'Greater Than'.
- Valor: The value to compare with.
- Verdadero: The script to run if the condition is true.
- Falso: The script to run if the condition is false.
Si la variable se compara con variable
Conditionally run part of the script based on the value of a variable compared with another variable.
- Variable: The variable to use.
- Comparison: The comparison operator to use e.g. 'Less Than' or 'Greater Than'.
- Other Variable: The variable to compare with.
- Verdadero: The script to run if the condition is true.
- Falso: The script to run if the condition is false.
Variable: Funciones matemáticas
Allows you to perform various maths functions on a variable to add/subtract/multiply/divide/modulus a value/variable/random number.
- Variable: The variable to use.
- Operation: The operation to use for modifying the variable value.
- Valor: The value to combine with the variable using the selected operation.
Variable: Reiniciar todas la variables
Reset all variables used by your project back to false.
Seed Random Number Generator
Place this to run in response to user input to ensure random numbers change between playthroughs.
Actor: Almacenar posición en variables
Store the current position of an actor within two variables, one to store the horizontal position and another to store the vertical position.

- Actor: The actor you want to check.
- X: The variable to use for the horizontal position.
- Y: The variable to use for the vertical position.
Store Engine Field In Variable
Store the value of an Engine Field in a variable.
- Engine Field: The engine field to read the value of.
Store Variable from Game Data In Variable
Read a variable's value from a specified save slot and store it in a variable.
- Set Variable: The variable to update.
- Para Variable: The variable to read the value of.
- From Save Slot: The save slot to use.
Variable: Disminuir por 1
Decrease the value of the specified variable by one.
- Variable: The variable to use.
Variable Flags Add
Set selected flags to true on a variable. All unselected flags will keep their previous value.
- Variable: The variable to use.
- Flag 1: Set flag 1 to true.
- Flag 2: Set flag 2 to true.
- Flag 3: Set flag 3 to true.
Variable Flags Clear
Set selected flags to false on a variable. All unselected flags will keep their previous value.
- Variable: The variable to use.
- Flag 1: Set flag 1 to false.
- Flag 2: Set flag 2 to false.
- Flag 3: Set flag 3 to false.
Variable Flags Set
Set the value of a variable by enabling individual bits of the 16-bit number. Allows 16 true/false values to be stored within a single variable. Setting the flags will replace the previous value of the variable.
- Variable: The variable to use.
- Flag 1: Set flag 1 to true.
- Flag 2: Set flag 2 to true.
- Flag 3: Set flag 3 to true.
Variable: Incrementar por 1
Increase the value of the specified variable by one.
- Variable: The variable to use.
Variable: Cambiar a 'Falso'
Set the value of the specified variable to false.
- Variable: The variable to use.
Variable: Cambiar a 'Verdadero'
Set the value of the specified variable to true.
- Variable: The variable to use.
Variable: Cambiar a valor
Set the specified variable to a defined value.
- Variable: The variable to use.
- Valor: The value to set the selected variable to.