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Timer: Timer-Skript einstellen

Run the specified script repeatedly after a time interval. The script will keep running in the background until a Remove Timer Script event is called or the scene is changed using a Change Scene event.

Timer: Timer-Skript einstellen
Time Interval
Auf Tick
Auf Tick
Add Event
  • Time Interval: The length of time to wait before running the script each time.
  • Auf Tick: The script to run when the timer is triggered.


Pause the script for a single frame.

Warte bis zum nächsten Frame

Timer: Timer-Skript deaktivieren

Remove the timer script so it will no longer be called.

Timer: Timer-Skript deaktivieren
Timer-Skript deaktivieren

Timer: Timer neu starten

Reset the countdown timer back to zero. The script will call again after the time specified originally.

Timer: Timer neu starten
Countdown-Timer neustarten


Pause the script for a period of time.

  • Duration: The length of time to pause the script for in seconds or frames.